We are in the era of private social networks and/or communities
Social networks are changing rapidly and somewhat unexpectedly. There is a clear tendency to create private or semi-public = community social networks. Some of them belong to companies, organizations or communities. Others – such as the DorNestinsRomania social network, are created and belong to the members of ad hoc or geographically determinable online communities, restrictive regarding the access of new members.
Belonging to a social network is a way of confessing and assuming one of the multiple identities that each of us has in the virtual space, it was said.
“We may be heading towards an extreme socialization” Eugene Ionesco once observed.“The Internet is full of failed social contacts that range from pretending to be another person… to serious crime. There is nothing but lies, intimidation, looting, aggressive campaigns, harassment and defamation to an unimaginable degree! Who is surprised that social networks primarily lead to loneliness and depression among young users?” wrote Manfred Spitzer.
Business is flourishing in the age of social networks
The new types of social networks – the private or semi-open ones – appeared, first of all, due to the need of companies and / or communities to build loyalty and widen the base of customers / participants that each of them has.
Other types of social networks are now created to meet only the needs of geographically determined communities.
This is also the case of the private social network DorNestinsRomania